Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why did Sarah Palin resign?

This is what many Americans and I are asking ourselves? Unless you live in a barn, Gov. Sarah Palin announced her decision 4th of July weekend to resign from office later this month. She said she didn't want to go through the "lame duck" phase of her term. Also, she believed there were other ways for her to serve Alaska. By the way, did you catch the "basketball" analogy she used. It went something like, "A good point guard knows when to pass the ball." (Clever but somewhat annoying)

So, why did she resign? Some believe it is to handle legal/ethics issues in Alaska. Others say to seek privacy to protect her and her family from media scrutiny. Some even say to begin on reaching possible ambitions for the White House.

As many of you have figured out, I consider myself a conservative politically. I don't fully agree with her decision to resign. She should have just sucked it up and finished her term. You don't just quit. It's not like she murdered someone, attempted to sell a political office and participated in a prostitution ring. She claims there are other ways for her to serve the state. I am sorry, Gov. Palin, you must finish what you started which is your term in office. If you're not able to accomplish anything during the "lame duck" phase, fine. At least you can say you did what could giving it 100 percent.

If she did it to escape the public eye and to protect her family from media scrutiny, her decision can be a little more justified. When David Letterman says your daughter got knocked up from A-Rod at a Yankees game, I would want to protect my family as well if I was in her shoes. However, if she did it to escape media scrutiny AND to begin her road to the White House, she's a fool. Number one: she and her family will have to face criticism from the public AGAIN and number two: she should NOT run for president. She's too delucional (sp?) for national office and, yes I am sorry, a little too small-town sheltered hockey mom.(Yes I went there. I grew up in small town in the Midwest)

Sure Sarah Palin has her fans. Perhaps she can go on the talk show route a la Mike Huckabee or make speaking engagements. I could see her doing well there, but running this country. Heck no. She has a lot going for her if she goes that route, but a higher office than Governor. I don't think so. That's when she needs to be like a spectator in the bleachers at basketball game cheering on the team-the GOP.